The Wildflower Impulse 
A Work of Richard Gorman
All contents ©Richard J. Gorman 2007 - 2028

North Fork Yuba River, Canyon Creek Trail, June 16, 2007
Richard missed the regularly scheduled hike this month, so he visited the next week, and hiked as far as Cherokee Creek. While hiking only half of the trail, it was a very productive month. Expect this page to grow in 2008.
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029 Indian Paintbrush

Castilleja affinis.

Another Close-up

030 Rose Campion

Lychnis coronaria.

Stems and foliage distinctively grey, about waist-high. Non-native.

031 Sunflower family

Opportunist at the edge of one of the January '06 landslides.

032 Common St. John's Wort

Hypericum formosum

033 Columbine

Aquilegia formosa.

Much better pictures
here and here.

034 Vari-leaf Collomia

Collmia heterophylla.

035 Saxifrage family

Rock plant with clump of leaves and long flowering stems.

036 Pacific Ninebark

Physocarpus capitatus.

037 Lily Family

038 Western Morning Glory

Calystegia occidentalis ssp. occidentalis.

039 Large Lupine species.

040 Sunflower family

041 Indian Pink

Silene californica ssp.

042 Mock Orange

Philadelphus lewisii.

043 Crown Brodiaea

Brodiaea coronaria.

The flower of the month, quite profuse.
Close up.

044 Possibly Sky Lupine

Lupinus nanus.

045 Evening Primrose family

Possibly Diamond Clarkia, Clarkia rhomboidea.

I didn't get a good close-up, but in the upper left there is a fairly clear one.
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This page has been visited times since July 2007
All contents ©Richard J. Gorman 2007 - 2028

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